Обновление Windows 10 с версии 1809 до 1903 постоянно зависает на 60%
Отредактировано Drrum - 06.07.2019, 12:42
Обновление Windows 10 Home с версии 1809 до 1903 постоянно зависает на 60%
Обновление Windows 10 Home с версии 1809 до 1903 устанавливается в системе, затем компьютер перезагружается и установка обновления продолжается. Но затем постоянно на 60% обновление зависает с ошибкой "Windows setup could not configure one or more system components", компьютер перезагружается и происходит откат обновления обратно до версии 1809.
При попытке установить обновление с помощью Media Creation Tool происходит то же самое, но в конце при входе в Windows дополнительно выдается сообщение об ошибке 0xC1900101 - 0X30018 "ошибка на этапе установки FIRST_BOOT во время операции SYSPREP_SPECIALIZE".
Я нашел на англоязычном сайте похожую ошибку, но там нет решения, так же сам создал там тему
https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us....b7523f4 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us....2739878 Искал в интернете по логам информацию, выяснил, что проблема возможно связана с неправильной настройкой или функционированием таких компонентов Windows (панель управления=>программы и компоненты=>включение или отключение компонентов Windows), как Net Framework 4.7 и его подкаталогов службы WCF (активация по HTTP, активация по TCP, совместное использование портов TCP) или компанента "службы IIS" (Internet Information Service).
У меня на компьютере IIS полностью отключен и не включается с сообщением об ошибке 0x800F0922 "не удалось применить требуемые изменения". В подкаталоге службы WCF активация по HTTP выключена и не включается с таким же сообщением об ошибке, а остальные подпункты включены и не выключаются так же с таким же сообщением.
Раньше я отключал "ненужные" по моему мнению службы и программы Windows, возможно удалил не те файлы или отключил что-нибудь нужное для установки обновления.
Выкладываю логи (если что-то еще понадобиться могу скинуть) (в папке Rollback ошибок нет)
CBS log полностью
https://yadi.sk/d/QM-clURuNJs9qw CBS log последняя часть CBS log выше, касающаяся только обновления Windows (для удобства)
https://yadi.sk/d/KOuKJV9mxbjQ5A DISM log полностью
https://yadi.sk/d/8M8bat7tk1CZ7g DISM log последняя часть DISM log выше, касающаяся только обновления Windows (для удобства)
https://yadi.sk/d/uMyQ9sWPrW5QUQ Setupact из папки Panther полностью
https://yadi.sk/d/2SJ67WCQbI4_Jw Setupact из папки Panther начало
https://yadi.sk/d/BEDBYpYs2dZaBg Setupact из папки Panther конец 1
https://yadi.sk/d/UVPcpVzq3dnoZw Setupact из папки Panther конец 2
https://yadi.sk/d/jASlSH7t6PT4jA Setuperr из папки Panther
https://yadi.sk/d/Cp6mNoPoYXjuYg Ключевые отрывки из LOG файлов:
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Info CSI 00000c77 Begin executing advanced installer phase 39 index 0 (sequence 0)
Old component: [l:0]''
New component: [l:0]''
Install mode: delta
Smart installer: true
Installer ID: {79675b3f-2054-4efd-aa9d-e1830916be47}
Installer name: 'ServiceModelReg Installer'
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Info CSI 00000c78@2019/7/6:07:29:19.859 ServiceModelReg Installer Committing with: component: 1 version: 4.0.30319 64bit: true install: true delta: false
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Info CSI 00000c79@2019/7/6:07:29:19.859 ServiceModelInstaller::ExecuteInstaller Executing WasInstaller.
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Info CSI 00000c7a@2019/7/6:07:29:19.859 InstallWasProtocol: protocolName: 'net.tcp'
identity: 'S-1-5-80-3579033775-2824656752-1522793541-1960352512-462907086'
bindingInformation: '808:*'
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Error CSI 00000c7b (F) CWebServerHandlers::ConfigureListener GetAdminSectionFailed failed: sectionName: 'system.applicationHost/listenerAdapters' errorCode: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA)
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Error CSI 00000c7c@2019/7/6:07:29:19.937 (F) base\wcp\plugins\servicemodelregai\dll\servicemodelregai.cpp(353): Error NTSTATUS_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA) originated in function Windows::WCP::WCF::ServiceModelInstaller::ExecuteInstaller expression: wasInstaller.Install()
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Info CBS Could not get active session for current session file logging [HRESULT = 0x80004003 - E_POINTER]
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Info CBS Could not get file name for current session file logging [HRESULT = 0x80004003 - E_POINTER]
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Info CBS Failed to retrieve CBS log environment variable size for offline WER report. [HRESULT = 0x800700cb - ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND]
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Info CBS Not able to add CBS log files to Windows Error Report. [HRESULT = 0x800700cb - ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND]
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Info CSI 00000c7d@2019/7/6:07:29:20.973 CSI Advanced installer perf trace:
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Info CSI 00000c7e End executing advanced installer (sequence 0)
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Error [0x018046] CSI 00000c7f (F) Failed execution of queue item Installer: ServiceModelReg Installer ({79675b3f-2054-4efd-aa9d-e1830916be47}) with HRESULT HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA). Failure will not be ignored: A rollback will be initiated after all the operations in the installer queue are completed; installer is reliable[gle=0x80004005]
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Error CSI 00000c7b (F) CWebServerHandlers::ConfigureListener GetAdminSectionFailed failed: sectionName: 'system.applicationHost/listenerAdapters' errorCode: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA)
2019-07-06 13:29:19, Error CSI 00000c7c@2019/7/6:07:29:19.937 (F) base\wcp\plugins\servicemodelregai\dll\servicemodelregai.cpp(353): Error NTSTATUS_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA) originated in function Windows::WCP::WCF::ServiceModelInstaller::ExecuteInstaller expression: wasInstaller.Install()
2019-07-06 13:29:20, Error [0x018046] CSI 00000c7f (F) Failed execution of queue item Installer: ServiceModelReg Installer ({79675b3f-2054-4efd-aa9d-e1830916be47}) with HRESULT HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA). Failure will not be ignored: A rollback will be initiated after all the operations in the installer queue are completed; installer is reliable[gle=0x80004005]
2019-07-06 13:29:21, Error CSI 00000cae (F) Installer: ServiceModelReg Installer Binary Name: servicemodelregai.dll ErrorCode: 8007000d Phase: 39 Mode: Delta Component: NONE[gle=0x80004005]
2019-07-06 13:29:21, Error CSI 00000cb0@2019/7/6:07:29:21.492 (F) onecore\base\wcp\componentstore\com\advancedinstallerstore.cpp(568): Error HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILED) originated in function Windows::COM::CComponentStore::IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore_ResolvePendingTransactions expression: static_cast<DWORD>(14099L)
2019-07-06 13:29:21, Error CSI 00000cb1 (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILED) #123# from Windows::COM::CComponentStore_IAdvancedInstallerAwareStore::ResolvePendingTransactions(dwFlags = (DontFailIfPrimitivesPending|IndicatePrimitiveRollback), Progress = NULL, Phase = 0, Disposition = (unknown enumerant 0)' | '0)[gle=0x80073713]
2019-07-06 13:29:21, Error CBS Startup: Failed to process advanced operation queue, startupPhase: 0. [HRESULT = 0x80073713 - ERROR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILED]
2019-07-06 13:29:21, Error [0x030149] CMI Callback_CBS_Do_OnlineInstall:Calling startup processing failed 0x80073713
2019-07-06 13:29:21, Error [0x030153] CMI Callback_CMI_ConfigInstall: CBS startup processing failed.
Drrum , Попробуйте обновить 1809 на 1809. То есть накатить ту же самую версию.
Автор темы
Цитата Lenchik (
Попробуйте обновить 1809 на 1809. То есть накатить ту же самую версию.
Как правильно это сделать? Скачать ISO образ 1809, запустить setup.exe? Но это будет переустановка системы, насколько я понимаю, то есть файлы остануться, но приложения пропадут, или я что-то неправильно понимаю? Хотелось бы обойтись без переустановки. Или каким то образом через ISO от 1809 можно восстановить систему? Я просто ни разу такого не пробовал.
Цитата Drrum (
но приложения пропадут, или я что-то неправильно понимаю?
Не пропадут, если правильно выбрать образ (разрядность, язык и редакция) будет предложено что сохранять. Это не переустановка а обновление или как ещё называют, полировка. В некоторых случаях помогает избавится от неисправностей системы.
Отредактировано Drrum - 06.07.2019, 13:29
Автор темы
Цитата TauRus69 (
Не пропадут, если правильно выбрать образ (разрядность, язык и редакция) будет предложено что сохранять. Это не переустановка а обновление или как ещё называют, полировка. В некоторых случаях помогает избавится от неисправностей системы.
То есть можно тогда сразу попробовать установить 1903 через Setup.exe с ISO образа? Или лучше попробовать сначала 1809 на 1809, потом, если успешно, попробовать обычное обновление через интернет до 1903? Edit: Вот еще LOG файл из приложения SetupDiag /verbose, может поможет
Matching Profile found: BootFailureDetected - 4FB446C2-D4EC-40B4-97E2-67EB19D1CFB7 SetupDiag version: System Information: Machine Name = ДИМА-ПК Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Model = H87M-D3H HostOSArchitecture = 1049 FirmwareType = PCAT BiosReleaseDate = 20130424000000.000000+000 BiosVendor = BIOS Date: 04/24/13 10:36:03 Ver: 04.06.05 BiosVersion = F3 HostOSVersion = 10.0.17134 HostOSBuildString = 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804 TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.18362.1 (19h1_release.190318-1202) HostOSLanguageId = HostOSEdition = Core RegisteredAV = Windows Defender FilterDrivers = FileInfo UpgradeStartTime = 06.07.2019 11:22:33 UpgradeEndTime = 06.07.2019 13:30:03 UpgradeElapsedTime = 02:07:30 CV = phnNq5jkI0+6by5c ReportId = 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754 Error: Found system boot failure. Last Phase: FirstBoot,Start. BootLogErrorCount: 1 LastErrorEvent: 80 LastErrorCode: 0 Setup Operation Info follows... Operation Name: Extract files from WIM file PathForNewOSFile, index 3 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:41:03 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Export image from WIM file PathForNewOSFile, index 2 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\winre.wim Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:03 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:42:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:59,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply WIM file PathForNewOSFile (compact), index 3 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:42:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:54:58 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:12:56,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable telemetry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:54:59 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /postoobe for phase DismPostOobe Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:11 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:09,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /presysprep for phase DismPreSysprep Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:11 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:13 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /postsysprep for phase DismPostSysprep Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:13 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /preoobe for phase DismPreOobe Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:16 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /onerror for phase DismOnError Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:16 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set entropy for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set safe OS boot command Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Save config data Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:13,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Save boot entries for the old OS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Copy extra migration XMLs Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Gather Optional Component status Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:53 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:05,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:57 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:00:47 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:04:50,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Register sync process: SetupHost.Exe with args /RollbackSys /Package /ClientId Package360 /ReportId 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754.1 /FlightData RS:3945 /Quiet Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Register sync process: SetupHost.Exe with args /Success /Package /ClientId Package360 /ReportId 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754.1 /FlightData RS:3945 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Backup the recovery partition to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\RecoveryPartitionBackup Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:12 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Mount WIM file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\winre.wim, index 1 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:12 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:32,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable telemetry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506933-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:45 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:02:42 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:57,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506472-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:09 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:02:19 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:10,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506933-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:19 Operation Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? False Operation Name: Process Drivers for Migration Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:42 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:24,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Process External Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:04:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:56,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? False Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\amd64_Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OnDemand-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18362.1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:04:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:05:49 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:01:47,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Xps-Xps-Viewer-Opt-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18362.1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:05:49 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:20 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:31,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Remove FeaturesOnDemand Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:21 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:24 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Optional Component status Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:24 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:54 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:30,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_en-us~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-us~.esd Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:54 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:14:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:07:24,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4501375-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:14:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:42:21 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:28:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Migrate framework (Full) Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:42:21 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:44:24 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:02:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Run sysprep specialization offline on C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:44:24 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:44:34 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:10,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Offline portion of first and oobe boot apply operations Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:44:34 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:08:28 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:23:54,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Unmount the image C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:08:28 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:09:11 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:43,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare the recovery image Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:09:11 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:01:33,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare the new OS for first boot Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:10:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Ensure suspended services are stopped Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Cleanup external drivers after installation Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Create file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\Windows\Setup\LatentAcquisition\ActionList.xml on the new system Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Create file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket\GenuineTicket.xml on the new system Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set product key Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Untag Sources Folder Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Finalize critical boundary Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Validate WinRE boot driver Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Update Boot Code Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Update Boot Sector Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add boot entry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\WINDOWS. Locale = ru-RU Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add safe OS boot entry Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare Safe OS boot removal Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Migrate boot settings Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Suspend bitlocker if needed Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Remove System Restore checkpoints Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:19 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:19 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Install Eula Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Boot WinPE Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare SafeOS for rollback Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set SafeOS boot entry as the default boot entry Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable Page File in SafeOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply EAs for D:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Relocate OS from D:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS to D:\ Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:50 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Complete file operations for offline portion of first and oobe boot apply Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:50 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:39 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:49,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add boot entry for D:\WINDOWS. Locale = ru-RU Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:39 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 0 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Close log files Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Reserve disk space first boot Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Setup the recovery partition Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare SysPrep run Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Upgrade security Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:16,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Setup Phase Info follows... Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:02 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Time Delta: 01:38:53 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Pre-Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Time Delta: 01:18:47 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Pre-Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:25 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Safe OS Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:54 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Pre First Boot Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:20 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Pre SysPrep Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? True
Отредактировано alex192837465 - 06.07.2019, 14:16
Цитата Drrum (
То есть можно тогда сразу попробовать установить 1903 через Setup.exe с ISO образа?
НЕТ!!! Именно, как Вам предложил TauRus69 Lenchik , сначала 1809 на 1809... Система "отключит" все, что посчитает не совместимым. А вот затем уже на 1903... Если все пройдет нормально, то можно попытаться заново установить "не совместимое", но по возможности более новой версии...
Drrum , я ещё у вас заметил что имя компа на кирилице, это не желательно, с этим тоже могут возникнуть проблемы. Желательно имя компа и учётной записи вводить на латинице.
Автор темы
Цитата TauRus69 (
я ещё у вас заметил что имя компа на кирилице, это не желательно, с этим тоже могут возникнуть проблемы. Желательно имя компа и учётной записи вводить на латинице.
Тогда бы у половины России были бы проблемы с обновлением Хотя могу ошибаться Так же выполнил утилиту SetupDiag с ключом /verbose, выдало больше информации:
Matching Profile found: BootFailureDetected - 4FB446C2-D4EC-40B4-97E2-67EB19D1CFB7 SetupDiag version: System Information: Machine Name = ДИМА-ПК Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Model = H87M-D3H HostOSArchitecture = 1049 FirmwareType = PCAT BiosReleaseDate = 20130424000000.000000+000 BiosVendor = BIOS Date: 04/24/13 10:36:03 Ver: 04.06.05 BiosVersion = F3 HostOSVersion = 10.0.17134 HostOSBuildString = 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804 TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.18362.1 (19h1_release.190318-1202) HostOSLanguageId = HostOSEdition = Core RegisteredAV = Windows Defender FilterDrivers = FileInfo UpgradeStartTime = 06.07.2019 11:22:33 UpgradeEndTime = 06.07.2019 13:30:03 UpgradeElapsedTime = 02:07:30 CV = phnNq5jkI0+6by5c ReportId = 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754 Error: Found system boot failure. Last Phase: FirstBoot,Start. BootLogErrorCount: 1 LastErrorEvent: 80 LastErrorCode: 0 Setup Operation Info follows... Operation Name: Extract files from WIM file PathForNewOSFile, index 3 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:41:03 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Export image from WIM file PathForNewOSFile, index 2 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\winre.wim Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:03 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:42:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:59,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply WIM file PathForNewOSFile (compact), index 3 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:42:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:54:58 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:12:56,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable telemetry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:54:59 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /postoobe for phase DismPostOobe Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:11 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:09,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /presysprep for phase DismPreSysprep Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:11 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:13 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /postsysprep for phase DismPostSysprep Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:13 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /preoobe for phase DismPreOobe Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:16 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /onerror for phase DismOnError Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:16 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set entropy for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set safe OS boot command Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Save config data Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:13,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Save boot entries for the old OS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Copy extra migration XMLs Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Gather Optional Component status Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:53 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:05,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:57 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:00:47 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:04:50,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Register sync process: SetupHost.Exe with args /RollbackSys /Package /ClientId Package360 /ReportId 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754.1 /FlightData RS:3945 /Quiet Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Register sync process: SetupHost.Exe with args /Success /Package /ClientId Package360 /ReportId 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754.1 /FlightData RS:3945 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Backup the recovery partition to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\RecoveryPartitionBackup Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:12 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Mount WIM file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\winre.wim, index 1 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:12 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:32,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable telemetry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506933-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:45 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:02:42 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:57,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506472-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:09 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:02:19 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:10,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506933-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:19 Operation Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? False Operation Name: Process Drivers for Migration Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:42 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:24,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Process External Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:04:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:56,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? False Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\amd64_Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OnDemand-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18362.1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:04:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:05:49 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:01:47,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Xps-Xps-Viewer-Opt-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18362.1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:05:49 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:20 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:31,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Remove FeaturesOnDemand Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:21 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:24 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Optional Component status Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:24 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:54 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:30,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_en-us~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-us~.esd Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:54 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:14:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:07:24,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4501375-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:14:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:42:21 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:28:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Migrate framework (Full) Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:42:21 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:44:24 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:02:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Run sysprep specialization offline on C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:44:24 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:44:34 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:10,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Offline portion of first and oobe boot apply operations Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:44:34 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:08:28 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:23:54,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Unmount the image C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:08:28 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:09:11 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:43,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare the recovery image Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:09:11 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:01:33,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare the new OS for first boot Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:10:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Ensure suspended services are stopped Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Cleanup external drivers after installation Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Create file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\Windows\Setup\LatentAcquisition\ActionList.xml on the new system Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Create file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket\GenuineTicket.xml on the new system Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set product key Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Untag Sources Folder Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Finalize critical boundary Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Validate WinRE boot driver Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Update Boot Code Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Update Boot Sector Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add boot entry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\WINDOWS. Locale = ru-RU Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add safe OS boot entry Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare Safe OS boot removal Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Migrate boot settings Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Suspend bitlocker if needed Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Remove System Restore checkpoints Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:19 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:19 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Install Eula Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Boot WinPE Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare SafeOS for rollback Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set SafeOS boot entry as the default boot entry Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable Page File in SafeOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply EAs for D:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Relocate OS from D:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS to D:\ Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:50 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Complete file operations for offline portion of first and oobe boot apply Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:50 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:39 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:49,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add boot entry for D:\WINDOWS. Locale = ru-RU Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:39 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 0 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Close log files Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Reserve disk space first boot Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Setup the recovery partition Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare SysPrep run Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Upgrade security Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:16,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Setup Phase Info follows... Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:02 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Time Delta: 01:38:53 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Pre-Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Time Delta: 01:18:47 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Pre-Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:25 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Safe OS Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:54 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Pre First Boot Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:20 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Pre SysPrep Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? True
Там говорится Error: Found system boot failure. Last Phase: FirstBoot,Start. BootLogErrorCount: 1 Возможо дело не в компонентах Windows, а в чем то другом, так как первая загрузка не удается, хотя тоже могу ошибаться
Drrum , Вы все-таки попробуйте "полирнуть" 1809 на 1809...
Drrum , Загрузчик можно попробовать чем нибудь исправить. На ХР проблем не было, fixmbr, fixboot , а теперь это не работает. Загрузчик может быть модифицирован пиратским активатором имитирующим OEM активацию. Хотя на Windows 10 такие обычно не применяют, но ничто не мешает пользователю запустить старый активатор и модифицировать загрузочную запись.
Отредактировано Drrum - 06.07.2019, 13:21
Автор темы
Цитата ptizz (
попробуйте протестировать вот этим SetupDiag – утилита диагностики проблем и ошибок обновления версий Windows 10
Вот LOG файл:
Matching Profile found: BootFailureDetected - 4FB446C2-D4EC-40B4-97E2-67EB19D1CFB7 SetupDiag version: System Information: Machine Name = ДИМА-ПК Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Model = H87M-D3H HostOSArchitecture = 1049 FirmwareType = PCAT BiosReleaseDate = 20130424000000.000000+000 BiosVendor = BIOS Date: 04/24/13 10:36:03 Ver: 04.06.05 BiosVersion = F3 HostOSVersion = 10.0.17134 HostOSBuildString = 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804 TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.18362.1 (19h1_release.190318-1202) HostOSLanguageId = HostOSEdition = Core RegisteredAV = Windows Defender FilterDrivers = FileInfo UpgradeStartTime = 06.07.2019 11:22:33 UpgradeEndTime = 06.07.2019 13:30:03 UpgradeElapsedTime = 02:07:30 CV = phnNq5jkI0+6by5c ReportId = 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754 Error: Found system boot failure. Last Phase: FirstBoot,Start. BootLogErrorCount: 1 LastErrorEvent: 80 LastErrorCode: 0 Matching Profile found: BootFailureDetected - 4FB446C2-D4EC-40B4-97E2-67EB19D1CFB7 SetupDiag version: System Information: Machine Name = ДИМА-ПК Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Model = H87M-D3H HostOSArchitecture = 1049 FirmwareType = PCAT BiosReleaseDate = 20130424000000.000000+000 BiosVendor = BIOS Date: 04/24/13 10:36:03 Ver: 04.06.05 BiosVersion = F3 HostOSVersion = 10.0.17134 HostOSBuildString = 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804 TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.18362.1 (19h1_release.190318-1202) HostOSLanguageId = HostOSEdition = Core RegisteredAV = Windows Defender FilterDrivers = FileInfo UpgradeStartTime = 06.07.2019 11:22:33 UpgradeEndTime = 06.07.2019 13:30:03 UpgradeElapsedTime = 02:07:30 CV = phnNq5jkI0+6by5c ReportId = 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754 Error: Found system boot failure. Last Phase: FirstBoot,Start. BootLogErrorCount: 1 LastErrorEvent: 80 LastErrorCode: 0 Error: Found system boot failure. Не совсем понятно, тут выдает проблему с загрузкой, хотя по предыдущим логам дело немного в другом, видимо SetupDiag выдала следствие, а точную причину так и не нашла (с загрузкой ОС никаких проблем не было) Edit: вот что нашел: BootFailureDetected - 4FB446C2-D4EC-40B4-97E2-67EB19D1CFB7 This rule indicates a boot failure occurred during a specific phase of the update. The rule will indicate the failure code and phase for diagnostic purposes ничего полезного, насколько я понимаю Edit2: Выполнил SetupDiag с ключом /verbose, выдало больше информации: Matching Profile found: BootFailureDetected - 4FB446C2-D4EC-40B4-97E2-67EB19D1CFB7 SetupDiag version: System Information: Machine Name = ДИМА-ПК Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Model = H87M-D3H HostOSArchitecture = 1049 FirmwareType = PCAT BiosReleaseDate = 20130424000000.000000+000 BiosVendor = BIOS Date: 04/24/13 10:36:03 Ver: 04.06.05 BiosVersion = F3 HostOSVersion = 10.0.17134 HostOSBuildString = 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804 TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.18362.1 (19h1_release.190318-1202) HostOSLanguageId = HostOSEdition = Core RegisteredAV = Windows Defender FilterDrivers = FileInfo UpgradeStartTime = 06.07.2019 11:22:33 UpgradeEndTime = 06.07.2019 13:30:03 UpgradeElapsedTime = 02:07:30 CV = phnNq5jkI0+6by5c ReportId = 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754 Error: Found system boot failure. Last Phase: FirstBoot,Start. BootLogErrorCount: 1 LastErrorEvent: 80 LastErrorCode: 0 Setup Operation Info follows... Operation Name: Extract files from WIM file PathForNewOSFile, index 3 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:41:03 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Export image from WIM file PathForNewOSFile, index 2 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\winre.wim Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:03 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:42:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:59,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply WIM file PathForNewOSFile (compact), index 3 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:42:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:54:58 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:12:56,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable telemetry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:54:59 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /postoobe for phase DismPostOobe Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:11 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:09,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /presysprep for phase DismPreSysprep Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:11 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:13 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /postsysprep for phase DismPostSysprep Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:13 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /preoobe for phase DismPreOobe Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:16 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set boot command %SYSTEMDRIVE%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupPlatform.exe /onerror for phase DismOnError Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:16 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set entropy for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set safe OS boot command Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Save config data Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:17 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:13,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Save boot entries for the old OS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:30 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Copy extra migration XMLs Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Gather Optional Component status Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 11:55:53 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:05,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Gather data, scope: EVERYTHING Operation Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:57 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:00:47 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:04:50,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Register sync process: SetupHost.Exe with args /RollbackSys /Package /ClientId Package360 /ReportId 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754.1 /FlightData RS:3945 /Quiet Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Register sync process: SetupHost.Exe with args /Success /Package /ClientId Package360 /ReportId 91712D02-7DCF-478A-ACFC-6E4C474FC754.1 /FlightData RS:3945 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Backup the recovery partition to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\RecoveryPartitionBackup Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:12 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Mount WIM file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\winre.wim, index 1 to C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:12 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:32,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable telemetry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:01:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506933-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:45 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:02:42 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:57,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506472-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:09 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:02:19 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:10,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4506933-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:19 Operation Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? False Operation Name: Process Drivers for Migration Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:02:42 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:24,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Process External Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:04:02 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:56,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Drivers Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:03:06 Operation Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? False Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\amd64_Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OnDemand-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18362.1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:04:02 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:05:49 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:01:47,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Xps-Xps-Viewer-Opt-Package~~amd64~~10.0.18362.1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:05:49 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:20 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:31,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Remove FeaturesOnDemand Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:21 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:24 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply Optional Component status Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:24 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:06:54 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:30,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_en-us~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-us~.esd Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:06:54 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:14:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:07:24,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add [1] package C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\215f6df44ca9d31da13029a4a9f7ad58\Windows10.0-KB4501375-x64.cab Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:14:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:42:21 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:28:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Migrate framework (Full) Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:42:21 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:44:24 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:02:03,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Run sysprep specialization offline on C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:44:24 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 12:44:34 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:10,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Offline portion of first and oobe boot apply operations Operation Started: 06.07.2019 12:44:34 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:08:28 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:23:54,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Unmount the image C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SafeOS\SafeOS.Mount Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:08:28 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:09:11 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:43,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare the recovery image Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:09:11 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:01:33,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare the new OS for first boot Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:10:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Ensure suspended services are stopped Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:10:45 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Cleanup external drivers after installation Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Create file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\Windows\Setup\LatentAcquisition\ActionList.xml on the new system Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Create file C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\ClipSVC\GenuineTicket\GenuineTicket.xml on the new system Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set product key Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:06 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Untag Sources Folder Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Finalize critical boundary Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Validate WinRE boot driver Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Update Boot Code Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:10 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Update Boot Sector Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add boot entry for C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\WINDOWS. Locale = ru-RU Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:14 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add safe OS boot entry Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare Safe OS boot removal Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Migrate boot settings Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 1 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Suspend bitlocker if needed Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:18 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Remove System Restore checkpoints Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:19 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:19 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Install Eula Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Boot WinPE Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare SafeOS for rollback Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Set SafeOS boot entry as the default boot entry Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Enable Page File in SafeOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Apply EAs for D:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Relocate OS from D:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS to D:\ Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:21:50 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Complete file operations for offline portion of first and oobe boot apply Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:50 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:39 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:49,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Add boot entry for D:\WINDOWS. Locale = ru-RU Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:39 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:02,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Orchestrate OS switch for NewOS with safe OS SafeOS and rollback OS ExternalRollback. DelayedSwitch: 0 Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Close log files Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Reserve disk space first boot Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Setup the recovery partition Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:04,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Prepare SysPrep run Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Operation Name: Upgrade security Operation Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:48 Operation Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:16,0000000 Completed Successfully? True Setup Phase Info follows... Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 11:41:02 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Time Delta: 01:38:53 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 11:55:48 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Pre-Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 12:01:08 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Time Delta: 01:18:47 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Downlevel Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Pre-Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 01.01.0001 0:00:00 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? False Phase Name: Finalize Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:19:55 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:20:20 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:25 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Safe OS Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:21:47 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:22:41 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:54 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Pre First Boot Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:23:44 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:20 Completed Successfully? True Phase Name: Pre SysPrep Phase Started: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Ended: 06.07.2019 13:24:04 Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00 Completed Successfully? True
Отредактировано ptizz - 06.07.2019, 13:31
Цитата Drrum (
ничего полезного, насколько я понимаю
Неправильно понимаете, что-то мешает первой загрузке после обновления. Теперь сюда (и дальше по тексту)Диагностика ошибок обновления Драйвера имеются ввиду не только для оборудования, а и программные (какая-то программа установила несовместимый драйвер)
Автор темы
Цитата ptizz (
Драйвера имеются ввиду не только для оборудования, а и программные (какая-то программа установила несовместимый драйвер)
Насколько я понимаю, те самые IIS, TCP activation и HTTP activation тоже являются драйверами и при их обновлении может быть проблема (пытался разобраться в логах, вроде обновление прекращается при попытке установки TCP activation)
Цитата Drrum (
Насколько я понимаю, те самые IIS, TCP activation и HTTP activation тоже являются драйверами
Совершенно верно. Попробуйте с "чистого запуска" обновиться, как вариант.
В связи с введением в действие Постановления Правительства Российской Федерации от 14.11.2023 № 1905 т.н. "о запрете популяризации VPN" с 1 марта 2024 года - любое обсуждение способов обхода блокировок и VPN на портале запрещено!